Sunday, February 25, 2018

Make some Sweet Love with Cold Moo Swirls Dharmawangsa

Are you a sweet-tooth kinda guy? Because when you are, you can join my club of “People who can not get over desserts!” And if you don’t, you might want to consider reading this post, change your mind and just join our club.

I’m so into desserts that I learned how to bake back in 2011. Whenever I want a cake or any kind of desserts, I just simply go into my kitchen and make one. But still, buying desserts is more efficient than making it in my opinion, hehe.

When I was a little girl, one of my biggest dream was to eat a lot of ice cream. Why? Well it’s just because ice cream makes me happy. I still dreaming about that tho, but I’m just pretty realistic nowadays because too much ice cream can make my brain go freeze for hours. But srsly, who doesn’t feel happy when it comes to eating your favorite ice cream?

Make some Sweet Love with Cold Moo